Rock-order “Tampl” (Тампль)
The history of the creation:
Four co-authors brought together the thirst to realize accumulated vital and creative experience. Each brought, that it had: faith, theme, form, energy. Miracle accompanied us. In the month of reckless, drunken, happy work was written our first rock-opera - "tampl", which gave life and name to order. Random encounters brought to us no accidental people - nucleus of future brotherhood. Space responded to the furious desire of embodiment by the unexpected gifts - by scene for the rehearsals, by cloth for the suits, by microphones. Premier it took place in Kazan at the festival "Zilantkon". At the same time our spontaneously prevailing company realized itself by the spiritual brotherhood, for which much work is in prospect. Work of man - to find its place in the God concept. "Tampl'" - means temple. "Tampl'" - the name of the Parisian residence of templars. Subject of rock-opera - the author's interpretation of historical events - the last day of the last master of the knight-templars Jacques de mole, his loss on the bonfire, its curse; the enlightenment of its armor-bearer and the finding of true temple. the Rock- opera Of "Tampl" does not have the literary ultimate source, but has inspirer - Italian scientist and writer Umberto Eco, the author of the novels "name of rose" and the "Foucault pendulum". Following, realized on the scene project - "Finrod-zong" (“Финрод-Зонг»), opera, this grew from the dramatic cycle of ballads about the king of elves Finrode Felagunde. Golden-headed Finrod, poet and soldier, long years wearied soul of one of the co-authors of order. Finrod, the builder of caves, who battles with the enemy on the songs of force, who returned life for the embodiment of the cherished desire of mortal person. By the opera Of "Finrod-zong" we are obliged to oxford professor J.R.R.Tolkien and his books "Silmarillion", the "lord of rings", "hobbit". At the basis of opera one of the narratives "Silmarilliona", "The Lay of Leithian", the "canto of release from the fetters". Premiers "Finrod-zong" began the work on the studio record and it lasted almost by yr. Studio version is prepared and recorded in Kazan on the studio "Siberian circuit". Our third rock-opera "Jeanne d'Arc" (“Жанна д’Арк”) began to write earlier than "Finrod-zong", but on the present they undertook it only in yr, still almost for yr tightened itself its setting on the scene. "Jeanne" came out larger than previous it leaned - on the scene go about two it is hour. Because theme is more complex. This is opera- process - investigation by the Vatican commission of the twentieth century of the five-hundred year matter without the period of the remoteness: does appear Jeanne of saint? People, which loved and which betrayed Jeanne, again testify about it.
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