G.E.N.E. (Grooving Electronic Natural Environments) is a Canadian New -Age instrumental band.
What is particularly expensive and valuable person in his life? Family, work, hobbies, music, art ... and the list the reader can continue myself. Why we love to travel, go to the theater, watch movie - in short, to do what we like? Perhaps, in each event, the phenomenon we are consciously or unconsciously look for feelings, emotions that are dear to us, that make us happier. And the music itself, which is infinite emotion, often is the source of our experiences, associations, inspiration and source of other emotions. And only on emotions of beauty, and love vibrations of the cosmos based project Grooving Electronic Natural Environments (GENE) - emotional scenes of nature.
The idea of this world-famous project was born in June 1987, during a conversation under the stars around a campfire and tents on the shore of the lake in the Canadian woods.
That night, Cleo de Malio (Cleo de Mallio) took the first steps in a musical odyssey that is still not completed. The conversation was carried on the nature and technology, the world and machines, the new digital sound and lofty emotions. Father of the project and the producer is Michael Weisser (Michael Weisser) - founding member of the German band SOFTWARE, one of the disciples of the legendary Klaus Schulze (Klaus Schulze), the founder of the company's IC / Digit music, on which he produced and GENE SOFTWARE. Michelle Weisser - it is not trivial producer who invested and believed in the idea. He was an integral member of almost all travel Cleo de Malio, designer and photographer, the ideological inspiration, and sometimes by the music.
And their debut album "flute paradise" ("Fluting Paradise") is based on the melodies and the ideas of collective SOFTWARE. To smooth rhythm in the style of early Kitaro (Kitaro) and surreal dynamics in the style of the Berlin School of electronic added jazz variations on a live flute. This album series has become one of the most popular and famous. Here, as in other studies, there are musical discoveries and ideas of other composers, as "bricks" in the basement of the elegant and not similar to other houses. And so, that this "brick" looks are only trudnouznavaemym "brick" is often more attractive than the original. But Cleo de Malio from the Canadian city of Vancouver, French in origin, and her team from around the world not just take someone else's, but also create "their own bricks, and built them a fantastic castles, stairs that begin at the most beautiful and mysterious corners of the earth, and upper window looking into space. Probably pointless to describe all 20 albums, all the floors and passages, pictures that are in these "locks", the entrance to which is open to everyone.
All works come with stunning booklets and photos that may envy magazines in the spirit of "Around the World". And when the music and image merge into one with imagination, you're already a participant travel, and eat a transparent calm crystal clear lakes, a soothing breath of the seas and oceans, rhythmic rustle of warm rain or contemplate the mysterious rites of Aborigines on the island of Easter ("Magic Island"), dance at the equator and hot kiss from the "mother Africa" ("Tropical Feeling"). Music - like a watercolor dream, woven from the granite rocks, turquoise water, white beaches, decorated with a fringe of green vegetation, blue sky, waves, splashing through the sand, and amazing sunset.
GENE - it is not only the original sounds recorded during his travels, and music, based on the deepest penetration into the world of nature, this legend of ancient times and mystery, covered with lids. Series GENE - not a banal music with the sounds of nature, a synthesis that combines the high professionalism of the musicians and the soul, the nature and reach of technology, voice, exotic corners of the earth and the possibilities of modern studio, rumba and flamenco, multi-color flow unfettered rhythms, rich sound of electronic and acoustic instruments. This is music - look at the nature of eyes of a woman. The surrounding world appears to you surprisingly soft, gentle, giving, and concealed. This is the very essence of nature - its nuances, you can hear the murmur of a spring creek in the morning singing birds, rustling leaves and in the silence of falling snow.
Music GENE - is a complete food for fantasies fantasies, the vision of the world around us as a beautiful Temple. Work on the music for Cleo de Malio - creativity. "It's not for me yavlyaetya another world, and it is a necessary part of my life. Creativity can occur when the mind and body are one piece and working in the same direction. And where to do so better than nature? GENE - one project in which it is implemented. I take the natural sounds and computer-assisted drawing of a picture - if mix paint on canvas. I'm trying to express the nuances of the Force and tenderness, lightness and depth "- wrote Cleo de Mull.
In so doing, it also helps their arrangements and playing well-known electronics Teteberg Steven (Steven Toeteberg) from the group QUIET FORCE, whose songs included in the collection of the best works from around the world in the style of New Instrumental Music Release Company IC / Digit Music, along with Richie Sakamoto (Ryuchi Sakamoto) Alan Parsons P, Tangerine Dream, Shakatak ...
Music GENE widely used in documentaries about nature, advertising splash on television and radio (one of the songs GENE often used in advertising splash Ming eighth channel). And the album "Flying Fish" ("Flying Fish"), dedicated to the underwater world off the coast of Zanzibar, was specially written for the documentary film of the same name. Exotic travel, rich in contrasts - a passion Cleo de Malio: "I love adventures and feelings associated with them. After each journey I was overwhelmed with emotion and desire to share them with people. " Producer GENE Michelle Weisser wrote: "Travel - one of the greatest adventure of our time, the process of gathering ideas, impulses and impressions. And the hallmark of music GENE is that it is their creative power is helping to expand our consciousness. " Commercial success and fame GENE inspired in 1997 by Michel Weisser begin a new series under the title "Sounds of Earth" ("Sounds Of Planet Earth"), a cycle based on the working materials GENE, recorded a particularly sensitive microphones. In a new series of albums included all the natural sounds, the voices of nature, rituals and ceremonies. But before the album, "Between Ocean and clouds" ("Between Ocean & Clouds") comes a bonus disc, entitled "Oceans and the waves of the world, where you can hear the lapping waves of the oceans and many seas.
The noise of the ocean everywhere so different and at the same time like he is out of time, because the first sound that she heard the earth, rising from the depths of the ocean, was the voice of the surf. Each album GENE - a fairy tale, wonderful world, a sense inaudible rhythm, in which the non-stop moving all around, feeling rich life that surrounds you from all sides.
Each album is devoted to whether he or the North woods severe tropical jungle ("Rain Forest"), the mountains of South America ("KatChina"), - a living monument of nature, the places, the feelings that inspire Cleo de Malley and her constant helper and co-author Lisa Marie Tedesco (Lisa Maria Tedesca) to write and create their music, go on living with a sense of beauty in his soul.
Rain Forest Tropical Forest
Extremely bright melodies, soaked aroma humid tropics. You are surrounded by rainy forests, filled with voices of exotic birds, tea plantations, lizards, trees, cinnamon, cascades of streams to penetrate its way between the picturesque hills and rocks scattered around with mysterious forms ...
Magic Island Magic Island
This album is rightly considered one of the best in creativity Cleo de Malloa with works such as "Amazing Peace," "Life - it is music", "Flowers and Soul" and "flute Paradise." He is devoted to one of the most mysterious phenomena in the history of world civilization and culture - the eyes looking in the sky (Rapa Nui), known as Easter Island, as well as ancient myths and legends of his aborigenov.Vy hear the singing of cloud passing over the island in the sky, and Voice of palm trees whisper of wind, kissing the grass, and the magic words from the mouth of stone giants, gentle sound of the surf and the singing of exotic birds, the rustling of birds' wings and chirping of cicadas. This music will tell you about the fifteen mysteries of Tongariki and love Man Birds. It produces bright and happy feelings, inviting them to sozertsaniyu.Vy probably friends with her ...
Beyond Ocean & Clouds Between Ocean and Clouds
This music - like watercolor dreams, woven from the granite rocks, turquoise water, white beaches, blue sky above the waves, splashing through the sand, and amazing sunset.
Get The Taste tasting
In the streams of music are born musical landscapes, impressionist paintings, filled with birdsong and the whisper of wind, sun and shadows, clouds, slowly creeping across the sky. Together with the bright harmonies of synthesizers, characteristic of music GENE. Here sound sweet guitar chords. These tunes are very good: taste them. Listen to them, gazed at them, touch them, inhale them. Get lost among these virgin-pure images of wildlife, taste the joy and relaxation - it is these feelings gives you a magic music in which a surprising live the spirit of the Mother Earth
Canadians Lake (Life Is a Melody) Life - This Melody
Music grez.Chrezvychayno fantastic selection of popular tunes, is considered one of the best creations Cleo yes Malloa. Another name for the album - "Canadian Lakes.
Flying Fish Flying Fish
World of endless sky and boundless sea, golden sand and blue-green water brilliantly recreated with synthesizers, samplers and natural sounds. The flow of music seems to hover leisurely in the water at the beach, when your body is washed by gentle waves through the water when the rays of light breaking through, and right before your eyes floating mysterious underwater world. And now, enjoying the quiet tones of the sea, you watch the dancing jellyfish, strange fish glide side by side in the water column, but you are floating forward in the hope of finding fish dreams - flying fish that lives between the sea and sky ...
Fluting Paradise Paradise Recorder
This music - look at the nature of the eyes of a woman. The surrounding world appears in front of you surprisingly soft, gentle and hidden. And this is the very essence of nature - these nuances can be heard in the murmur of the spring creek in the morning singing birds, rustling leaves and the silence of falling snow ... "flute Paradise" - a beautiful dream, enchanted journey along the paths of the Sacred Heart and one of the most popular in Russia New Age music album.
Kachina Kachin
The album - a magnificent musical landscape; melodic impressions of the desert expanses of the south of the North American continent. Ancient legends of Indians live in the mysterious, the music volume. Earth and Fire, Sun and Wind, sand and rocks, rivers and clouds - the whole world, wild and powerful, is reflected in these tunes - a dry flicks drumming in dimensional harmonies synthesizers, tender singing guitar.
Diving Dreams Underwater Fantasies
Romantic dreams of this album were inspired by amazing underwater scenery of Maldives. Melodies of synthesizers that are fast and rhythmic, the fluid and permeated feeling smooth guy. This harmony of misleading you into the mysterious depths of the ocean, filled with a greenish light sunlight and whisper fish. One of the most beautiful sensations divers submerged in sea water - a sense of inaudible rhythm in which the non-stop moving all around and a sense of the rich life that surrounds you from all sides, filled these melodies.
Bali Sunrise Sunrise in Bali
Original sounds recorded on Bali - "Island of Legends" - harmoniously merge with the melody for synthesizers and samplers, giving the music a special depth and elegance. You seem to touch the inside during the life of the Indonesian island: a quiet conversation, the birds singing at sunrise, the rustle of rice fields, the roar of the Ocean, Jungle whisper. In the soft banks of the pulsating rhythm of a dense flow streams beautiful melody. This music - the wee island of dreams, dreams of a lazy morning surf and sleeping flowers, children and adults, palm trees and caressing breeze. All this is clear and bright dreams - the Great Sun is rising over the island, starting another day in the infinity of time a tropical paradise. Immerse yourself in a smoky freshness of the morning Bali; See - Sun Rises ...
Mediterranean Moods Mediterranean Mood
ustynnye beaches and cliffs, sun groves and endless sky ... lost in those deep, smooth tone for samplers, and Flute, you will make a wonderful journey to the island of Mallorca, will enter into a world where time flows differently itself, where generous land peacefully living in the light of the tender Mediterranean sun. One of the most melodic album GENE
Slow Motion Slow Motion
This album is dedicated to the mysteries of meditative perception of the world. If you live in a state of deep relaxation - flowing, smiling lad, dreaming, feeling, striving - then the whole world is beginning to sound like a single topic, you begin to enjoy the music of life, being itself becomes a melody. The album "Slow Motion" - the experience of this perception of the world. Here the whole of nature and the Cosmos, everything that surrounds you, passes through your heart, pouring in an endless stream of music ...
Wonderful World Amazing World
Half of the songs - a collection of the best songs that are included in previous albums GENE ... Just have a meditative melody takes you along the shady paths of tropical forests, nashepchet something cool, gurgling brook, will enjoy the ancient silence of the deserted islands in the Mediterranean Sea ... But in addition to those already familiar to you, in The album included many new tracks - their gentle rhythms and enchanting harmony as if you raise high above the Earth, allowing you to see the wonderful world of GENE. bird's-eye view, enjoy the divine harmony of nature ... Music "Magnificent World" gives you a unique feeling of deep "opt in" to the world around you. Tender melodies, multi-color flow unfettered rhythms, rich sound of electronic and acoustic instruments ... you filled peace and harmony, the whole body listening to the melodies of this exciting world - a world GENE.
Pacific Pearls___________Zhemchuzhiny Pacific
Amazing and inspirational songs of this album immediately take possession of your attention, captivate their melodic and expressive, inviting discover the charm of the atolls - Pearls, Pacific.
Tropical Feeling! Tropical Feeling!
The album is dedicated to the magnificent magic rituals of Africa. Submit riddled breath of Africa - the rhythm that covers you Backdraft, then draws a deliberate pattern, contemplation which immerses you in a state of mild trance. This music is ravishingly beautiful and melodic. Built on the fascinating contrast of ancient rhythms and flowing electronic harmonies, it embraces you with its magical sound, plunges into the colorful world of African dreams ...
Pacific Pearls dreamy wanderer
In this music very easily and harmoniously blend iridescent images of nature, drawing you into a mystical journey to exotic corners of the Earth.
Dragon's Flight Dragon Flight
The album is dedicated portentous piece of civilization - ancient Hong Kong. Songs from the finest flavor of Chinese harmony.
Flowers & Soul Flower and Soul
Melodies of this album were written in nespshnom rhythm of nature itself - the eternal, zvorazhivayuschem, penetrating everything living on Earth. This music gives life and heals, like life-giving water from a magic source.
ShaLom Shalom
Israel - a point where the extremes, a place between sea and desert, between the sun and sand, a place full of energy and tension: between tradition and future, between Safed and Eilat. This music reveals the uniqueness of the Holy Land of Israel.
Negev-Fever________________Pustynya _________
The desert seems lifeless ... But even in her silence, in the dry rustle of the wind rolls over the sand, has his own music. His melodies sing on this album sand dunes and oases, mirages ghostly beauty comes to life in the beautiful sounds ...
Gentle melodies GENE sound in unison with the amazing voice of the singer Lydia, introduces us to the world of feelings and emotions ... Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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