Põhja-Tallinn is a district of the capital city of Estonia, but it's also more than that.
The eponymous hip-hop group, which was created in 2007, has constantly strived to improve and find its own lane. Thus far, there have been three distinct line-ups.
The first consisted of twelve MC's residing in Põhja-Tallinn, who joined forces to create a gargantuan, eight-minute long borough anthem. 100 copies of the single were printed.
The next line-up, consisting of five MC's remaining from the aforementioned line-up, recorded an 8-track EP, which they uploaded to the internet for free.
Their first video - made on a non-existent budget - was also created and was subject to an impressive 100 000 views over the course of a few months.
The third act took place at the 2011 Eesti Hip Hop Festival, where a band of three MC's, a female vocalist and a three-member instrumental band - originally intended to give only one performance - took to the stage.
Over the course of the first few rehearsals it became clear that the collective was in great harmony and team spirit was strong. The rest has been something of a long family trip in the Estonian music world.
Driven by the aforementioned team spirit, a debut single Lähen ja tulen with a youtube video was soon released and became an instant success.
All Estonian radio stations started spinning the record one after another, 40 successful live-shows throughout Estonia ensued.
A full-length album Per aspera Ad Astra (available in iTunes,Spotify, etc) was released and the premiere was conducted - with an extended line-up - as a part of the R2 Live recording.
The album yielded three more successful singles:
Nii lihtsalt ei saa
Tere tulemast
Meil on aega veel
During 2012, the ensemble's music videos received millions of views on Youtube (Estonia with a population of 1.3 million people). The band also received numerous accolades:
*1st, 2nd, 4th and 17th place in the yearly R2 Aastahitt (Radio2 Hit of the Year) list.
*Won Best Band, Best Newcomer and Best Hip-Hop Artist awards at the Estonian Music Awards (organised by the Estonian Association of the Phonogram Producers); their performance also closed the gala
*6th place at the Eesti Laul (Song of Estonia) competition
*Best Band and Best Newcomer awards from the 2013 Kuldne Plaat (Golden Disc) award show
2013 turned out to be full of events with its highs and lows, with over 30 successful concerts being given during the first three months in various places over Estonia, with most of them being sold out.
Outside of the spotlight changes started to occur, as it became clear that Maia Vahtramäe was leaving the band.
PTLN was in a difficult situation, as many concerts and the summer tour was already agreed upon with the promoters and all the other band members were still in a mood to continue. Together they started to look a new female singer and a so-called cover face.
At the beginning two superb artists - Liis Lemsalu and Teele Viira - gave their helping hand (and voice) and filled in on a couple of gigs.
With the help of ERR, Raadio 2 and in the focus of the press, photographers and TV cameras, Kerli Kivilaan, a 21-year old university student, was chosen as the new female singer on the 1st of May.
On the 3rd of May, the new line-up held a release party for the new single Kuula mind ära in Rock Cafe.
This was followed by more than 60 concerts in nightclubs, at festivals and open air stages and the summer tour with Artjom Savitski, Getter Jaani, the Explosion dance troupe and the legendary Black Velvet.
In addition to a hectic performing schedule, preparations were being made and demos were being recorded for a new album.
On the 20th of June, the Willie Nelson cover Jälle teel (made for the Watergate Festival and featuring the legendary Ivo Linna) was unveiled.
In the recording studio of the Türi Culture Centre 23 new tracks were recorded, 16 of which found their way onto the band's sophomore album "Maailm meid saadab", released on the 15th of October.
Together with Metsakutsu, a 10-concert album release tour was arranged in order to promote the artists' new albums.
On the 18th of September, Kallis, the second single from the album was released, which was followed by the third single, Küsin endalt nõu on the 17th of October. The single Läbi raskuste featuring the Kaari Sillamaa Children's Choir and conducted by Katre Jaani, was released on the 11th of December.
In the "R2 Aastahitt", an annual year-end list compiled by the listeners, Põhja-Tallinn was the most represented band in the top 40, with their songs placing 3rd, 6th, 8th, 15th and 25th respectively. In the Estonian Music Awards, "Maailm meid saadab" was nominated in the Best Hip-Hop/R&B Album category,
which it won, thus generating various discussions in forums and social media.
Striding ever proudly forward, the band released Petteid loon`d, the fifth single from the album, on the 17th of February.
Põhja-Tallinn was the opening act for the US artist Nelly in the Saku Suurhall on the 9th of May 2014.
At the moment, the band is mulling over the creation of new material and also has more than 30 live performances due this Spring/Summer season.
Time will tell, where the world will send them.
Põhja-Tallinn on Eesti pealinna üks linnaosa, kuid mitte ainult.
2007. aastal moodustatud hip-hop rühmitus on otsinud oma rada ja töötanud paremaks saamise
nimel kolme erineva koosseisuga.Algselt Põhja-Tallinnas resideeruvast kaheteistkümnest MC'st
koondatud all-stars rühmitus sai hakkama ühe gigantse, kaheksa minutit kestva linnaosa hümniga.
Singlit trükiti 100 eksemplari.
Allesjäänud viiest MC'st koosnev järgmine koosseis lindistas ja laadis tasuta internetti 8 loolise EP,
samuti valmis nulleelarvega esimene video, mis kogus paari kuuga muljetavaldavad 100 000 vaatamist.
Kolmandas vaatuses, 2011. aasta Eesti HipHop Festivalil, astus lavale kolmest räpparist,
kolmeliikmelisest live-bändist ja naisvokalistist moodustatud koosseis, mis algselt oli planeeritud vaid ühe kontserdi jaoks.
Koostöö klappis esimestest proovidest alates. Edasine on üks pikk perekondlik reis Eesti muusikamaastikul.
Muusikalisest kooskõlast ajendatuna valmis esimene ametlik singel "Lähen ja tulen" koos videoga, mis kogus populaarsust ja vaatamisi juba esimestest avaldamise minutitest.
Kõik Eesti raadiojaamad asusid järgemööda singlit mängima, järgnes üle 40 eduka live kontserdi üle Eesti.
Anti välja täispikk album mille esmaesitlus toimus laiendatud koosseisus R2 Live lindistuse raames
Albumilt järgnes veel kolm edukat raadiosinglit:
"Mind nii lihtsalt ei saa"
"Tere tulemast
"Meil on aega veel"
2012. aastal kogunes ansambli videotele Youtube'is miljoneid vaatamisi. Eesti Raadio Ringhäälingu Raadio 2 rahva poolt hääletatud Aastahiti tabelis esimene, teine, neljas ja seitsmeteiskümnes koht.
Eesti Fonogrammitootjate Ühingu Muusikaauhindade gaalalt saadi parima bändi, parima uue tulija ja parima hip-hop artisti auhind, ning esinemisega pandi punkt kogu teleshowle
Eesti Laulu konkursilt 6. koht ja tuhanded uued fännid
Eesti Autorite Ühingu, Eesti Esitajate Liidu ja NCB Eesti kogutavate andmete alusel jagataval Kuldse Plaadi 2013 auhinnagaalalt parima bändi ja parima uue tulija auhind.
2013 aasta kujunes kirjuks oma tõusude ja mõõnadega, esimese kolme kuuga üle 30 eduka kontserdi erinevates eestimaa piirkondades enamasti täismajale.
Väljaspool kära ja prožektorite valgusvihku kujunes tasapisi välja Maia Vahtramäe bändist lahkumine. Olles sundseisus, kus paljud kontserdid ning suvetuur oli promootoritega eelnevalt kokku lepitud, ning kõigil bändi liikmetel tugev soov jätkata tegevust, asuti otsima uut liiget, kes asendaks Maiat live kontsertidel ning oleks uus niiöelda kaanenägu.
Esialgu aitavad bändi hädast välja suurepärased lauljannad Teele Viira ja Liis Lemsalu, kes vastavalt võimalusele asendavad endist naisvokalisti.
Raadio 2 ja ERR abiga, kirjutava meedia, fotograafide ja telekaamerate teravas fookuses valiti 1. mail klubis Areena3 seitsme lõppvooru pääsenud lauljanna seast uueks solistiks Tartu ülikoolis riigiteadust õppiv 21 aastane Kerli Kivilaan.
Järgnes 3. mail uue koosseisu esiksingli "Kuula mind ära" esitlus Rock Caffes, ansambel Põhja-Tallinna suvetuur koos Black Velveti, Artjom Savitski, Getter Jaani ja Explosion tantsutüdrukutega ja üle 60 kontserdi ööklubides, festivalidel ja vabaõhulavadel. Lisaks tihedale esinemisgraafikule hakati ette valmistama ja lindistama demosid uue albumi tarvis.
20. juuni avaldati Watergate festivali jaoks loodud cover lugu "Jälle teel" kus teeb kaasa legendaarne laulja Ivo Linna.
Türi kultuurimaja helistuudios lindistati valmis 23 uut lugu, millest 16 leidis tee 15. oktoobril ilmunud järjekorras bändi teisele albumile "Maailm meid saadab"
Koos Metsakutsuga korraldati mõlema artisti 10-kontserdiline plaadiesitlustuur, tutvustamaks uusi albumeid.
18. september avaldatakse peatse ilmuvalt uuelt albumilt teine singel "Kallis", millele järgneb 17. oktoobril ilmunud singel "Küsin endalt nõu" ja 11. detsembril singel "Läbi raskuste" koos Kaari Sillamaa lastekooriga Katre Jaani juhatusel.
"Küsin endalt nõu" jõuab raadiokuulajate poolt koostataval R2 Aastahit hääletusel kõrgele 3. kohale, olles tabelis enim esindatud bänd, jõuab top 40 hulka viis Põhja-Tallinna lugu - vastavalt siis 3.;6.;8.;15. ja 25. koht.
Eesti Muusikaauhindade jagamisel nomineerib "Maailm meid saadab" parima Hip-Hop ja R´n´B kategoorias, mille ka võidab, tõstatades palju furoori ja kibestunud kommentaare erinevates foorumites ja räpparite FB seintel.
Sirge selja ja pika sammuga edasi liikudes avaldatakse 17.veebruaril albumilt viies singel "Petteid loon´d".
Põhja-Tallinn valiti soojendus esinejaks USA, St. Louis artisti Nelly 9. mai kontserdiks Sakus Suurhallis.
Täna mõlgutatakse mõtteid täiesti uue materjali loomise ümber ning ees ootab üle kolmekümne live esinemise 2014 kevad/suvi hooajal.
Aeg näitab, kuhu maailm neid saadab.
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